Apply now: Build a wave of support for healthy waterways
Posted on March 17th, 2017
Fitzroy Partnership for River Health is calling on schools and community groups to help build a wave of support for healthy waterways in the Fitzroy Basin, calling for entries in the 2017 Care for Creeks Bursary.
Speaking at a Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Reef Guardians Schools Network meeting of teachers held in Rockhampton on 16 March 2017, Fitzroy Partnership for River Health Executive Officer, Nathan Johnston advised school teachers about the importance of educating the younger generation about the health of our catchments and rivers in the Fitzroy Basin.
“Fitzroy Partnership for River Health is working to provide a clearer picture of river health in the Fitzroy Basin and our Care for Creeks Bursary offers equipment up to $1,000 to help schools and community groups to find out the true picture of health of their local river or waterway,” Mr Johnston said.
“I would like to announce that our 2017 Care for Creeks Bursary is now open for applications, and we are calling on local schools and community groups to apply to build your teaching resources and your knowledge and capacity to participate in community waterway monitoring,” Mr Johnston said.
The prize will include waterway monitoring kits including a salinity meter, turbidity tube, pH test strips, waterbug sampling equipment, a local weed guide, a fish trap and guide, and training to use the equipment.
“To support lucky winners of the Bursary we also offer a training session to support the use of the equipment and assessment of local waterways so that schools and groups can confidently enter data on the MyWater community portal and see how their local creeks and waterways can be graded and compared to other sites across the Basin,” he said.
“The vision of our Partnership is to provide a more complete picture of River Health for the Fitzroy Basin and we wanted to provide opportunities for the community to be involved in realising this goal, particularly our younger generation.
“By providing this equipment and MyWater, the community will be able to see the link between how their local waterway scores and how this compares to our annual reports which grade each catchment throughout the Fitzroy Basin,” he said.
Entries close on Friday 26 May 2017 and the online entry and terms and conditions can be found at
The Fitzroy Partnership for River Health has released five waterway health report cards since its formation in 2012. The Partnership includes organisations from government, agriculture, resources, industry, research and community and continues its aim of providing the most complete picture of river health in the Fitzroy Basin.